Thursday, January 28, 2016

The pleasure of watching a LDS Conference

                             General Conference April 2016. What Legacy do you want to leave for your posterity? President Dieter F. Utchdorf
Even though this post is not directly associated to Aviation or my adventures when I was a pilot, this post will talk about one of my great pleasures on Sundays. I always spend at least four hours of my Sunday to ponder about my life, my goals, my current situation and reflect about things that are very important for me and this includes my Savior Jesus Christ. This last Sunday as all the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saint also known as “Mormons”, my family and I watched the Conference which is basically a meeting where we have the opportunity to hear consuls from the authorities of the Church. It is a great opportunity to ponder about the basic of our existence, rethink about our daily actions and move our life into the path the guides us to achieve eternal happiness.
The Conference happens twice a year and it is divided in two sessions. I tried to watch both session, but like any other human being I felt sleep for couple minutes, however, the good thing is that all content spoke in the Conference is recorded and available online for entire world in several languages, so, it is a good way to keep updated with all the topics mentioned when I was having a good nap. The Conference is always composed by wonderful speakers talking about several topics such as social problems, issues around the world and many others but having a connection with the gospel and including a spiritual perspective of the problem. One of my favorite speakers is known as President Dieter F. Utchdorf. He has “weird” last name, but he is a great guy with many good characteristics. Besides the fact that he is also a pilot and always shares experiences of his career with great sense of humor making the public rejoice his spontaneity and wisdom. It was great to hear from him about his experience as a refugee during 2 World War in Germany and how he overcome all the difficulties and with dedication, faith and prayers, he learned good things in that catastrophe and has achieved his dreams.
The talks on Conference also focus on the importance of the family and the relationship between family members. We believe that the families are eternal and the connection between family members goes beyond this life. One of the point that caught my attention during President Utchdorf’s talk was a question he asked “What Legacy do you want to leave for your posterity? It seems a simple question, but when I stopped to think about this, it took me couple minutes to have a solid answer for this question. I could look back on my behavior and reevaluate my conduct on how I want to be in the future and how my family will look at me when I achieve 70 years old. Am I going to be a good person or pleasant company to be around? Will my family members be proud of me in some aspect of my life? All of these questions and many others came to my mind when I thing about that question and I provoke you that are reading this to ask yourself about what legacy you want to leave to for your posterity. Even though my family are not member of the Church, I shared with them and friends this topic because I believe it is very important to take a time to ponder about things out of our routine, evaluate our actions and make the necessary adjustments when necessary. For those who like reading a good book, I also invite you to read the book of Mormon which is free online and you can get a hard copy from the missionaries or the Church website I am sure you will be surprised with the content of the book.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed this little moment of reflection and I look forward to meet you in my next post about aviation. I intend to be talking about techniques to help you fly under Instrument Weather Condition using the instruments available in the airplane. See you soon and clear skies for you!!!

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