Thursday, April 14, 2016


Communication always have had an important role to humanity. People always feel the necessity to communicate and have done though of numerous ways, however, the easiest way to do it has been through of verbal communication. The verbal communication is one of the best and incredible ways that the man created to communicate. The verbal and written communication are the most ancient and effective ways to communicate already created by the man. Both has contributed greatly to evolution of the society, however with countless advances technologies, the verbal communication is becoming even more important. According to Infoplease web site, around 6500 languages are spoken in the world, however most of those languages have less than 1000 speakers and some will disappears soon. Due the variety of languages around the world and because of the technological advances which has making shorter the distance between nations, the use of one universal language is becoming indispensable. If this really happened, it will be complicated task to decide what the best language to be accepted as a universal language, however gradually English has become the most spoken language in the world for many reasons and it should be considered the global language.
According to the world ranking, English is the second most spoken language in the world presented in more than 30 countries, only behind of Mandarim which is spoken only in China, Taiwan and Singapore. In many countries which do not have English as a native language, kids and teenager are being prepared for the future taking English classes during elementary and high school phase. The creation of a global language certainly will bring more progress to many countries, causing more interaction between nations and it will also contribute to reduce international conflicts.
English is already spread all over the world and even more inserted in the life of people, either though of the music, movies, art, business, literature, etc. It becomes almost impossible to find a person that still do not have any contact with English.
English is the language of travel, people traveling around the world do not need to learn a new language every time that decide to visit different country, English speaker is easier found everywhere in the world.
It is the key of global access, with the use of internet increasing around the world, students who speak or even understand English have more opportunities to get important and value information.
Due the globalization and international business are even closer, have one language to communicate is an important tool to help the business grow up and break countless barriers that the languages create. In this case, English is being considered the business language, many international companies are developing projects and working together through of English.
Many professions around the world already accepted English as an official language, for example, aviation adopted English as a main language. Pilots and air traffic controllers have to learn English to get success in their carriers. The official language during flights, operation system in the airplanes, communication between air traffic control and pilot is English and this is a good example that a global language has contributed to avoid miscommunication and consequently prevent catastrophes. It could be applied to the science, doctors and scientists around the world been able to speak the same tongue. Consequently of this choice, it would bring more progress to researches that could share experiences and doctors who could develop other procedures.
There is also an international university which can be accessed through satellite will also broadcast in English. Education is one of the main platforms used to teach the English language and countries have changed their education methods to facilitate the learning of English. People can also learn English through other means such as watching movies from Hollywood.

Boeing and Airbus

It is a fact that not all the people feel comfortable inside of the airplane, but over the years, the use of airplanes are becoming more common and in some cases necessary and we are more dependent of it. Became almost impossible take a look to the sky and don’t see any aircraft flying over your head. In some remotes regions like Alaska for example, the only way to have access is through of aircraft. According to numerous statistics, the airplane became the safest means of transport in the world, even that accidents sometimes are unavoidable, the air companies have been invested billions of dollars in security in order to avoid catastrophes. Recently, the airplanes market became very valuable, but they dominated basically for two companies; Boeing and Airbus. These are the biggest companies that produces airplanes in the world. Together, they have about 90% of aviation market, both companies produce excellent aircrafts and for this reason, the battle for this billionaire market is stronger every single day. Both companies produce aircraft with similar features, but they also have unique characteristics that are symbol of the company.
The most notable similarity between these companies is the security; Boeing and Airbus have invested billions of dollars in research of new materials and new technology in order to build safer aircrafts protecting the life of people and avoid any kind of accident that can put at risk the company’s image.
Likewise, Boeing and Airbus are very conscious about the environmental impacts of emission of pollution gases. Due the new market’s tendency, they have been adopting their products and investing in new technologies in order to produce more efficient aircraft which is able to carry more passengers, loads and consume less quantity of fuel.
Even though both companies have important aspects in common, Boeing and Airbus have very personal characteristics that make a huge difference between them. The first notable and important difference is the autopilot system. Boeing and Airbus have autopilot which is an important tool to help pilots avoid overloading of tasks, however, Boeing’s autopilot system gives to the pilot more control of the airplane and more flexibility to make any kind of decision, in contrast, Airbus have a system which is completely opposite, reducing the authority of the pilot. This is an important detail that have caused many discussion. For some specialists for example, during that accident which an Airbus landed in the river’s Hudson, it was just possible because of this system which reduce the capacity of the pilot. They affirm that if was a Boeing aircraft in that situation, the system raise the change of mistakes and probably someone had suffered some injury.
Another difference is the control of the aircraft, Airbus has the system called Fly by Wire, which is type of control that send electronic impulses to the main computer and after to the wings, this control gives more comfort to the crew because of the position that is installed, on the other hand, Boeing has the traditional control which is connected thought of cables direct to the hydraulic system, even this control reduces the comfort of the crew, most of pilot prefers it because of the position and they can feel more the sensation of fly.
In conclusion, regardless of both companies have particular points and an incredible battle between them, both are doing an incredible job providing progress around the world and building amazing machines that have contributed to reduce distance and make our life easier.  

The importance of learning English

                      The use of English as a second language has increased around the world. Even, that English is a difficult language to learn, in many countries which do not have English such a native language. It has been adopted as mandatory second language in school program, which intend to prepare the kids and teenager for the future. English can be seen and used everywhere, for example during travel when you do not speak a native language, English is an excellent alternative and can really help to communicate. In education it become an universal language, most of students prefer to go to another country which have English as a native language to get fluency more opportunities for job and to get success in their carriers. Also, many international students are attractive to get a major or master degree in English, however this can be a hard task. People who has English as a native language have a hard time during the trajectory to get a master in English due the complexity of the language. In addition, most of content in internet, movies, books and science researches use it as a pattern making it more attractive. Despite English is a complexly language, it still the best language to learn because of number of people who speak it and because is better to adopt English as a second language than learn all the countless languages around the world.

My journey to United States

In the beginning of 2010 I got a stage in my life that I had to decide between maintain a comfortable zone or follow my instincts and pursuit my dream. Working to the government, I achieved many of my goals, but I realized that I didn’t want to have that routine for all my life. Few years later I decided to be a pilot, that was one of my dreams since I was teenager, but at that time I didn't have any idea about how important is to know English in the world of the aviation. That was the biggest reason to look farther than just my office and my country, therefore, I decided to leave my military career and come to United States to get one of the most important steps of my new career. I had to make important decisions in short period of time and adapt my life for new challenges, but also I didn’t know the consequences that came with this decisions, however finally I am feeling that I am going to the right path following my dream.
When I was teenager like most of college students, I was very confused about which career I should follow, but I was sure that I wanted to do something that I could find personal satisfaction, I didn't want to be spending many hours in front of a computer and then go home being part of a routine circle and this was one of the main reason that made me change my career.
My first contact with airplanes was in 2010 and least the 06 months I got  my first aviation license, but I knew that a pilot career requires dedication and many hours of study, however, theses were not a problem until I realize that English is an important part to be successful. I was spending many hours trying to understand the manuals, charts and others aviation books and I realized that English was the biggest obstacle to be an international pilot.
To be an international pilot requires to get many hours of experience commercial license and be fluent in English. I already had all of these requirement except English. In consequence in April 2013, I decided to come to U.S. in order to learn this language and get my last step to my career. I moved to United States in order to pursuit my dream and last the one year living here I am sure that was one the most important decision that I have had and absolutely it has being causing good effects in my life. My schedules, busy life, my family and friends stayed far from me, but my dream is more closer than I can imagine, and English has being an important key. I am on the way to conclude my trajectory and I know that innumerous others experiences and challenges will come, but my passion for aviation and my family has been encouraged me to achieve my goals and I will not give up without accomplish them.

The Impact of Changes

Every person has the chance to make better the environment in which is involved in through a positive attitude and doing more than the others expect. Even though the opportunities are not the same for all individuals, accepting the reality no matter what it is and work with dedication may be the keystone to achieve personal success. David Sturt, who is the Executive of the O.C. Tanner Company, in his first book "Great Work how to make a difference people love" using of a sentimental tone in some of stories promotes inspiration and motivation to the audience persuading them to leave the comfort zone, do the right question at the right moment, make people think out of the box, and observe the world in a new perspective.
Sturt used of Ethos in most of stories mentioned in the book, but in order to create an important balance and relevant connection with readers he also added a sentimental tone (Pathos) as described in the story of Moses, “He was more than a housekeeper. He made a serious individual contribution to the hospital’s mission: to offer hope” (p. 13 and 14). Moses touched the audience for being more than a efficient janitor in that hospital, but actually he has a person with positive attitude that encouraged patients and evidently made important difference of child’s life offering more than the others could expect from him. The author also used of Logos mode mentioning Trango Tower, Karakoram Range, in Pakistan (p. 161) in order to give more content and credibility to the argument exposed.
The author find a way to involved the audience in the content of the book and make them to leave the comfortable zone and do important and relevant changes on their life, in order to be very clear with this concept, although he could write the book using a formal way to communicate with readers due his background, Sturt preferred to use and establish a simple communication that makes the book more enjoyable for all public from every background regardless of social and economical position.
Describing those stories, the author inserts the main positive message of the book making the readers feeling touched at the same time enthusiastic thinking in a possible way to bring an apply those examples on their life. He also used an example to introduce, clarifies and emphasize the importance during the process of achieving great work, to take the time to make the right question, which says “If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes” (Albert Einstein, 1914, p. 25). The author used this part of the Einstein’s talk to reinforce the idea of importance to ask the right question and also emphasize the influence of it to achieve great work.
The main purpose of the book is to show the audience that any person has a personal and important potential to maximize and improve the capacity to develop a great work, do not matter where the individual is living, social or also economic. It teaches a lesson that money is not the only tool to make the difference, it is possible to make it accepting the real social condition, being creative, dedicate, thinking in another perspective that most of people do not do and also offer more than other could expect.

Great Work’s advices can be applied in many areas of life, but as any other advices it will be only work if readers really apply, starting doing a self-evaluate in which areas it still has to be improved and potentially be that person who will influence others through their success.

The Power of Patience

We live in a frantic rushing world that often leads us to fatigue, frustration, stress, and burn out. In the past few decades, we have getting into a culture of rushing that people want everything and everything right now. Technology is one of the aspects that has contributed to this new life style; it has brought countless relevant benefits to humanity, it has made us multi-tasking people and more efficient bringing the entire world through the screen and the click of a button, however, it has also intensified a natural tendency of humans to be impatient. According to several examples described in the bible, is notorious that people have had a hard time to apply the patience in their lives and this problem has currently increased even more; consequently, the negative effects caused by the absence of the virtue of patience, has affected directly the spiritual lives of the individuals, it has also caused problems on relations between family members extending to the professional side which also has been affected negatively. For this reason, it is so important to take a time to breathe of this unwise world to ponder and reflect the importance to apply and seek for this virtue which can be used as an efficient antidote to have a better quality of life .
“Patience is a godly attribute that can heal souls, unlock treasures of knowledge and understanding, and transform ordinary men and women into saints and angels. Patience is truly a fruit of the Spirit” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf).
An important and relevant example of patience can be found in the first few chapter of the book most sold in the world, the bible. It describes the process of creation the world by God, although He could do all of this creation in a fraction of a second, He spent seven days to conclude his creation with all details and perfection, but even with this and many other examples, the man still have difficulty to understand the importance of patience in your life. Patience has a relevant connection with between faith, obedience and perseverance, regardless the religion point and even though some people do not believe in the bible as a Word of God, there are many extraordinary examples of patience and faith. One of the notable is the story described in the book of John who was a person that further than an incredible faith in his God, he also understood and recognized virtue of patience to put his desire in hold for a time and wait for the time of his God, however he almost did not resist patiently all the tribulation he passed by proving that all human without exception suffer to improve and achieve a considered level of patience. “Patience is a godly attribute that can heal souls, unlock treasures of knowledge and understanding, and transform ordinary men and women into saints and angels. Patience is truly a fruit of the Spirit” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf).
Regardless the religion opinion of the person, patience is one of the elements that help individuals to achieve spiritual peace, spiritual progress and happiness, in the Buddhism religion for example, the Buddhists are worldwide known as individuals who dedicate entire life trying to achieve spiritual progress, part of this process to achieve it is directly associated to the way in which Buddhists manage their lives avoiding stressful environments and also exercising patience through meditations. The Christianity religion, which is the base of countless religions spread around the world, also uses the bible to emphasize the importance of patience as a fundamental role to achieve spiritual progress and perfection.
Besides the benefits in the spiritual lives, there are also many others covering the professional side, patients person has more chance to get a promotion than the impatient people. It does not means that inpatients are not able to develop and good job, but co-workers usually do not like to have a supervisor who explode emotions every time that something goes wrong, for this reason and because of the ability to build a solid relationship with others respecting and understanding their limitation, patient person can take advantage of the natural benefit of patience. There are also many professions around the world in which patience is extremely important.
A good example could be the profession of a police officer, it requires an unimaginable high level of patience to control his emotions in extremely situations, otherwise, there are going to be an incredible number of people being shot for irrelevant reasons. The airline companies are also another important example, during process of hiring cabin crew member, they require an specific test of patience and self-control that show the ability of pilots to have patience and self-control in front of many stressful situations, in this situations the simple fact of being patient or impatient can represent the life or death of several people during an emergency.
In the business world, patience is also one important attributes sought for many leaders and CEO because it shows It is becoming more common to see the patience of one criteria used during a process to hire an employee, specially The most notable difference between today and few decades ago is the general conception created by society, do not do something or do not achieve a goal in a short or long time can be interpreted as weakness or incapacity of the individual, but this conception has to. Having control of some emotions or part of the reality in which we are involved in or in which the individual has to achieve many goals as soon as possible and do not failure and if this happened, it is directly associated to the incapacity of a person that everything has to be done immediately and when a goal is not achieved this failure is associated to incapacity objective
Many health problems like blood pressure and high level of stress have relevant connection with stress but these problems could be minimized if people were more patient. Patience is the simply state of mind in which the individual has the capacity to understand and control the emotions with wisdom and efficiently and this is the fundamental role of patience related to spiritual life. There are many scientific studies that evidence the importance to develop the spiritual side in order to achieve interior peace, patience and self-control.

At times it is difficult to recognize what is best or expedient for you over time. Your life will be easier when you accept that what God does in your life is for your eternal good.

Challenges in my life

Challenges in my life
One of the most challenging situations that I have experienced in my life was when I worked as a pilot in Brazil. Since the captain and I had flown almost two hours without any problems or abnormalities, we became more relaxed because we were closer to our destination and everything was going according to plan.
While talking in the cockpit, the captain and I started the descending procedure, preparing to land the aircraft. Surprisingly, when I tried to put the landing gear down, it would not go down. We looked at each other astonished. We realized that we were having an emergency. Immediately this comfortable situation was substituted with fear and anxiety. I was afraid that something was wrong which could result in injury or even death, but I also knew that I was going to do my best to get out of this situation without any injuries for me and my passengers.
I remember that I followed very carefully the emergency checklist and all of the captain's instructions. We did the whole emergency procedure manually and we landed the airplane successfully without any injuries. At the end of that episode, I was grateful to God who gave me patience, focus, and emotional control which were fundamental in that situation. I learned that it does not matter how critical the situation seems, confidence and the attempt to do our best will always be rewarded.