Thursday, April 14, 2016

My journey to United States

In the beginning of 2010 I got a stage in my life that I had to decide between maintain a comfortable zone or follow my instincts and pursuit my dream. Working to the government, I achieved many of my goals, but I realized that I didn’t want to have that routine for all my life. Few years later I decided to be a pilot, that was one of my dreams since I was teenager, but at that time I didn't have any idea about how important is to know English in the world of the aviation. That was the biggest reason to look farther than just my office and my country, therefore, I decided to leave my military career and come to United States to get one of the most important steps of my new career. I had to make important decisions in short period of time and adapt my life for new challenges, but also I didn’t know the consequences that came with this decisions, however finally I am feeling that I am going to the right path following my dream.
When I was teenager like most of college students, I was very confused about which career I should follow, but I was sure that I wanted to do something that I could find personal satisfaction, I didn't want to be spending many hours in front of a computer and then go home being part of a routine circle and this was one of the main reason that made me change my career.
My first contact with airplanes was in 2010 and least the 06 months I got  my first aviation license, but I knew that a pilot career requires dedication and many hours of study, however, theses were not a problem until I realize that English is an important part to be successful. I was spending many hours trying to understand the manuals, charts and others aviation books and I realized that English was the biggest obstacle to be an international pilot.
To be an international pilot requires to get many hours of experience commercial license and be fluent in English. I already had all of these requirement except English. In consequence in April 2013, I decided to come to U.S. in order to learn this language and get my last step to my career. I moved to United States in order to pursuit my dream and last the one year living here I am sure that was one the most important decision that I have had and absolutely it has being causing good effects in my life. My schedules, busy life, my family and friends stayed far from me, but my dream is more closer than I can imagine, and English has being an important key. I am on the way to conclude my trajectory and I know that innumerous others experiences and challenges will come, but my passion for aviation and my family has been encouraged me to achieve my goals and I will not give up without accomplish them.

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